
Worse Than the First (Short Fiction)

I have a friend named Laurence, who literally knows everything about everything. He’s not just one of those types who thinks he knows it all; he actually does. Laurence is a good guy to learn from. One day he was telling me… Continue Reading (2 pages, 1106 words): Worse than the First (PDF)

Life · Philosophy

Buddhism’s Eightfold Path

Buddhism’s Noble Eightfold Path may be one of the most often revered and referred to concepts to ever come out of any religion.  Buddhist tradition ascribes it as the fourth of the four noble truths, taught by the original Buddha, Gautama Buddha, as the way of overcoming life’s inevitable suffering.  While many may see the four… Continue reading Buddhism’s Eightfold Path

Morality · Philosophy · Secular Thought


Should Batman kill the Joker? While there is no objectively definitive answer, like there is say for “What is the capital of Australia?” the two main possibilities just so happen to be two main opposing forms of moral philosophy: utilitarianism vs. deontology. Utilitarianism advocates judging actions by their consequences. The consequences of killing the Joker… Continue reading Utilitarianism


John Rawls – Philosophical Highlights

In keeping with my attempt to cull the best stuff from what I’ve read of some important philosophers and philosophies, here are some highlights of John Rawls. He was an American philosopher who lived from 1921 to 2002. Rawls reconciled liberty and equality in one way by saying that each citizen has the right to… Continue reading John Rawls – Philosophical Highlights

Secular Thought

Responding To: Why Don’t You At Least Send Your Kids To Church?

Where I live everybody goes to church, or if not, at least intends to start soon, because that’s just what good people do.  And everybody with any values or morals most definitely sends their kids to church.  So when someone, like me, doesn’t, it sticks out.  There’s no shortage of people kindly wanting to take… Continue reading Responding To: Why Don’t You At Least Send Your Kids To Church?

Secular Thought

Is it Better to Not Know Why Bad Things Happen?

No.  This may seem like it should be obvious.  But yet, with one world view an adherent just can’t get past the fact that since Somebody else is pulling the strings, when something bad happens, that Somebody has either caused it, or allowed it to happen.  This cognitive dissonance causes inevitable consternation.  How can the… Continue reading Is it Better to Not Know Why Bad Things Happen?


Aristotle – Some Highlights

Here’s a super short synopsis of some key features of Aristotle’s thought: Virtue Theory His definition of virtues divided them into two types: moral, which are shaped through early training and reinforced to become matter of habit, and intellectual, which can be rationally taught. All virtues have the common structure of falling between two extremes… Continue reading Aristotle – Some Highlights